Interesting facts and things to know
Info about desire for children or infertility
Everything important about pregnancy, birth and the first time with the child. Up-to-date, understandable and true to life. For expectant mothers and fathers.
Info about prenatal diagnostics
FMF Deutschland (Nackentransparenzmessung)
Info about nutrition (not only during pregnancy)
Information from the German Society for Nutrition e.V.
Info about breastfeeding
The website on breastfeeding of La Leche Liga Deutschland e.V.
Travel vaccination info
The Travel Medicine Information Service on the Internet.
Further links
Berufsverband der Frauenärzte e.V. [Professional Association of Gynecologists e.V.]
Frauenärzte im Netz [Gynecologists on the Internet]
Mammographie Screening Programm [Mammography Screening Program]
Robert-Koch-Institut [Robert Koch Institute]
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Zervixpathologie und Kolposkopie [Working Group Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy]